Love Over Fear

If you have seen the Disney movie Monsters, Inc., you know that for many years this fictitious company believed scaring children was the way to power their monster world. They snuck into bedrooms at night to frighten children and get them to scream, filling up canisters with the valuable resource of Scare Energy. But when one of their not-scary employees, Mike Wazowski, decides he wants to be a Scarer too, like his friend Sulley, he isn't able to scare a child and gain energy from the human world that way. But he does make them laugh, producing much more energy than any scream ever could and completely changing the strategy of Monsters, Inc.  Scary monsters are out and funny monsters are in!

You're probably familiar with the phrase 'laughter is the best medicine', and you know from experience that it is much more pleasant to be happy than sad. But have you ever thought about joy outweighing the power of fear?

In Galatians 5:22-23, we read about the Fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.  Notice how joy comes before peace, and love comes before joy?  I don't believe it's an accident they are in that order.  In Nehemiah 8:10, God tells the people, The joy of the LORD is your strength.  They were facing scary opposition from their enemies, but God said, 'Don't be afraid of them, just find joy in Me: that is your best weapon.'  He wanted them to have peace and be at peace with others, but first they needed to embrace joy.

'So how do I find joy?' you may ask.  'I'd much rather be happy than sad or afraid, but in these days, in these times, in my circumstances?  I don't think that's possible. I can maybe muster up enough faith to get through this crisis. (Faith over fear, as they say.) I can smile when others are around and cry when I'm alone and pretend to be happy. But to have real joy, real peace, and real faith?  That's like living in a fantasy world where monsters are funny and laughter saves our society--fine for a kids' movie, but in my complicated life?'

If you are lacking peace, you are likely also lacking joy, so let's take another look at which Fruit of the Spirit comes first... Love.

Can love lead to joy?  Can love triumph over fear?

In Nehemiah, where the people were sad because they realized they hadn't been following God, Nehemiah said, "Go and celebrate with a feast of rich foods and sweet drinks and share with people who have nothing."  This might sound like he was saying, 'Just forget about your problems and party!  Eat pizza and ice cream and drown your sorrow in food and laughter.'  But he wasn't talking about superficial or temporary joy; he was talking about real joy that comes from thankfulness for what you have (love for God) and sharing what you have (love for others).

In Matthew 22:37-39, we read these words of Jesus: "Love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: Love your neighbor as yourself."

There is a lot of hate and anger in this world. There is a lot of ungratefulness and selfishness. There is a lot of fear and loneliness and sadness. But love... Love brings joy, love brings peace, and love is a choice we can make every day.

Love God; Be thankful for what you have and trust God to always take care of you. The joy of the LORD is your strength.  Joyful gratitude and trust in an almighty God is powerful.

Love others; Give generously...whatever you have to share. Time, friendship, kindness, practical help. Don't be so consumed with your own problems that you forget others have needs too.

Love yourself; Believe in God's love for you. Believe you are special and unique, made for a purpose, the creation of His very hands.

Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness... It's a great list of what can heal our world...of what can heal your world.

But it starts with Love.


May the God of hope

fill you with all joy and peace

as you trust in him. 

Romans 15:13



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