For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord.
Live as children of light.
Ephesians 5:8
(An oldie but a goodie...originally published in July, 2010, but good for these gray times.)
My husband and I celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary this week, and
we went to our favorite place: Cannon Beach, Oregon. Our first date was
there, and we also spent our honeymoon in the small coastal town along
the picturesque Oregon shore.
This year we spent our anniversary
enjoying the beautiful beach with our three children. The weather was
mostly good, but being the Oregon Coast, it varied from day to day.
From sunny and warm, to sunny but windy, to overcast and fog; we had it
all, including a bit of misty rain one morning, but we had a great time,
and I took lots of pictures, as usual.
I transferred the photos to our computer when we got home.
Some of them were taken with blue skies, while others were mostly gray.
Gray sky, gray water, gray sand. I was tempted to discard those, but
one of them caught my artistic eye, and I could see it had the potential
to be much more.
With a little creative photo editing, the gray clouds and
gray water could become a hazy purple or blue, like when the morning
light first illuminates the sky. Or it could glow with the colors of a
muted sunset that gives a pink or orange hue to the skyline.
You can see the results, and the way we look at life,
circumstances, others, and ourselves can also be viewed through
different filters. It may be a bleak picture with the unaided eye, but
as children of light, we can have a different view.
In Luke 11:34,
Jesus says, "The eye is the lamp of the body. When your eyes are
good, the whole body will be filled with light, but when your eyes are
bad, darkness prevails."
Gloom. Despair. Hopelessness. The outlook is
bleak and gray, like an overcast sky...but that's just a limited human
view. With God's help, a beautiful picture can emerge.
When I am feeling discouraged, afraid, hopeless, unloved,
ask God to give me a different view. To help me filter things through the
light of His love. His truth. His ways. His beauty. His goodness.
Seeing the light fills me with light. Hope. Joy. Peace. May we live as children of light, for our Father is glorious--even on a
cloudy day.
Luke 11:34, paraphrase mine