Keeping Christ in Life

"The Sabbath was made for man,
not man for the Sabbath."
Mark 2:27

Have you ever received a gift or bought something for yourself that was great at the time but ended up not being so thrilling down the road? Material possessions can break down, become outdated, or require maintenance, money, and time. This can also happen with new interests, jobs, and relationships. The excitement we have over them in the beginning may fade as the reality of long-term endurance sets in. Even holidays that are intended to be a day of celebration often require so much energy to prepare for, the day gets lost in the shuffle or you're too tired to really enjoy it.

When God gave us life, He intended it to be a gift. The same is true for many of the things He gives us to enjoy. But life, relationships, and material blessings often feel more like a burden. Our relationship with God can become one as well. Does any of this sound familiar? 

If you spend any time reading the gospels, you will see much of this was true for the Jewish people living at the time of Jesus. They were God's chosen people, set apart to be blessed by God, and they were; but many of them weren't living the blessing. They were burdened by their circumstances, by religious practices, by sin, greed, and a misunderstanding of God and His ways. The sacrifices, religious festivals, and the Sabbath were all being practiced, but the meaning had been lost. Things that were intended to be good for them had become burdensome and joyless.

Jesus came to change that. He came to make God known, restore what had been lost, and show a new way to live. He came to change people's thinking. "Repent, the kingdom of heaven is near!"  He said this everywhere He went. He wanted them to lift their heads and hear a new message. He wanted them to see the beauty of God's Kingdom. And it was more than words, it was the reality of "God with us": Immanuel. 

One day some religious people were criticizing Jesus' disciples for picking grain to eat as they were walking through the fields. It was the Sabbath, and the Pharisees considered the disciples' actions to be a violation of the holy day of rest, but Jesus disagreed. Why? Because they were hungry. They needed something to eat. He spoke these profound words: "The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath." In other words, the Sabbath was meant to be a blessing, not a burden.

Thinking we must serve religion leads to a lot of burden and frustration that God never intended. Similarly, people often say things or demand things of others in the Name of God that do not accurately reflect His love and His character. Jesus said that He came to bring us abundant life. Life is meant to be a gift.

Family, marriage, homes, jobs, relationships: these are all intended to be gifts as well. They are for us to enjoy, provide for our needs, and give life meaning and purpose. So what's the problem? Why do we often feel frustrated by things or people? Maybe because they shouldn't be there and changes are needed. But for the things you can't change, walk away from, or discard, you can learn to see and think differently about them.

To see their value and the benefits, not just the flaws. To believe God has a purpose, even in difficulty. If you feel alone or overwhelmed, trust that God has not abandoned you and can help however you have need. Just ask. Just rest in His love, believe in His power, and find hope in His grace. Believe He wants to bless you because He does. He already has. And He will in the future.

A popular December saying is "Keep Christ in Christmas." I'd like to expand that and encourage you to "Keep Christ in Life." His love. His joy. His peace. It's not just for Christmastime, it's for the other 364 days of the year too.

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."

(John 10:10)

Photo Credit: "Gerard van Honthorst 001" by Gerard van Honthorst - The Yorck Project: 10.000 Meisterwerke der Malerei. DVD-ROM, 2002. ISBN 3936122202. Distributed by DIRECTMEDIA Publishing GmbH.. Licensed under Public Domain via Commons -


Do you ever feel confused? Like, you think you have life figured out, God figured out, but then something happens that doesn't line up w...