God's Love...More Than You Think

Overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loves us. I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God's love. Not death or life, angels or demons, nothing today or nothing to come…nothing at all can separate us from His love—I mean, just look at what Jesus did for us! What more proof do we need? 
(Romans 8:37-39)

When you think of God's love, what comes to mind? He loves me…He forgives me…He loves me even if I sin or ignore Him? I certainly hope so, because it's true! His love for you is unconditional. There is nothing you can do to earn God's love or make Him love you more.

Your only barrier to experiencing His love is receiving it—but even if you don't think you deserve His love or try to push it away, His love will still reach you in the form of blessings, protection, care, rescue... He loves you too much to leave you completely on your own, and nothing can separate you from His love.

Repeat this truth to yourself:

Nothing can separate me from God's love.

If you believe that and are trying to receive as much of His love as you can, I'm sure you have experienced the benefits. It makes a difference in the way you see God, the way you see yourself, and the way you see others. It brings peace and joy. It leads to greater faith. And it makes you more loving.

We can never reach the end of His love, there's always more for Him to give, and there are also new ways we can think about His love. What do I mean by that? Here are a few examples:

You know God loves you even when you make mistakes, sin, and fail; He loves you for what you aren't. But do you know He also loves you for who you are? In other words, He doesn't just love you, He likes you. He loves the unique person you are—who He created you to be. He loves your personality: whether you are outgoing or shy, perky or chill, spontaneous or thoughtful, funny or serious, talented or not… You are His unique creation, and He loves you just the way you are.

Repeat this truth to yourself:

He loves me just for who I am.

He also believes in you. Whatever your passion is, He loves that about you and wants to see you reach your full potential. He knows you can succeed, and He wants to help you. There is no need to do it alone or prove anything to Him. He knows who you are and who you can be. So believe what He tells you about yourself. Believe it when He says, "You can do this!" And when you feel weary or overwhelmed, let Him carry you.

Repeat this truth to yourself:

He believes in me, and I'm not on my own.

He invests in you. As much as He likes you for who you are, He knows you can be so much more. He knows you have more love to give, more courage to show, more talent to exercise, more traits to refine, and more hope to endure through the challenges. Your life is not a random series of events, problems, good times, bad times, struggles, and victories. It's all part of a plan: God's divine purpose for you. From the moment He first thought of you, He designed every detail of your life.

He knew when you would obey and when you would rebel. He knew when others would be there for you and when they would let you down. He knew what your needs would be, and even if it hasn't always seemed like it, He's been with you every step of the way. And He's not done yet. He is willing to invest whatever it takes to help you rise above your doubts and fears, your weaknesses, your past hurts, your current obstacles, and any unbelief you have about His love for you and your value in His eyes.

Repeat this truth to yourself:

I matter to God;
He has a plan and purpose for me.

He is your biggest fan, your loudest cheerleader, your most encouraging and supportive teacher, your greatest mentor, your source of strength, and your best friend. You are His. You are His workmanship. You are His beloved treasure.

Repeat these truths to yourself:

I am His;
I am His workmanship;
I am His beloved treasure.

Maybe you don't believe all that yet, but He wants you to. Jesus said,“If you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.” (Matthew 17:20 NKJV)

How does a tiny mustard seed become the largest plant in the garden? It simply becomes who it was designed to be, despite its small beginnings. You can do the same if you are firmly rooted in His love.

I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit. Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust him. Your roots will grow deep into God's love and keep you strong.
(Eph. 3:16-17)

Rom. 8:37-39, Eph. 3:16-17 paraphrase mine
Mustard Seed Photo Credit: David Turner, February 23, 2005. CC
Mustard Plant Photo Credit: www.bibleistrue.com
Sand Heart Photo Credit: FreeImages.com/Jan Willem Geertsma CC


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